Arlington, Va. — Today’s successful launch by SpaceX of the Dragon capsule towards its rendezvous with the International Space Station marks a major historical milestone in American spaceflight. Developed by SpaceX under NASA’s commercial cargo services program, the mission demonstrates the capability of collaborative investments by the U.S. government and private industry to build new American vehicles for space transportation.

“This mission proves the American spirit of innovation is thriving,” said AIA President and CEO Marion C. Blakey. “This is yet another example of how American aerospace is truly second to none.”

By saving money and unleashing private sector innovation, NASA is freeing up resources to lay the ground work for America’s next great era in space exploration. At the same time, NASA is benefiting from the success of SpaceX in capturing commercial launches internationally and growing America’s space launch market share. Beyond SpaceX, there are dozens of companies – some already well established in other markets – pushing into the frontier of space. This simultaneously creates jobs, boosts U.S. competitiveness and inspires students to pursue study and careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

“Continuing collaborative investments in NASA’s commercial crew program will be crucial to ending our dependence on Russia for astronaut launch,” Blakey said. “This launch, along with other investments NASA and industry are making, shows that our nation still has the right stuff.”