WASHINGTON — NASA Chief Technologist Bobby Braun issued the following statement about the National Research Council’s (NRC) Interim Report on NASA’s Draft Space Technology Roadmaps:

“NASA commends and thanks the NRC and its Committee members on their Interim Report on NASA’s Draft Space Technology Roadmaps. It is a comprehensive interim report with important observations and analyses. A few of the report’s broad observations are particularly noteworthy:

— Success in executing future NASA space missions will depend on advanced technology developments that should already be underway.

— NASA’s technology base is largely depleted.

— Currently, available technology is insufficient to accomplish many intended space missions in Earth orbit and to the moon, Mars, and beyond.

— Future U.S. leadership in space requires a foundation of sustained technology advances.

While we are still reviewing the details of the interim report, NASA generally agrees with its observations and awaits the final report, expected in January 2012. NASA appreciates the completion of the interim report and is pleased that the committee will conclude its work in time for NASA to use the NRC findings as guidance for its FY 2012 space technology investment decisions.”

To review a copy of the report, visit: http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=13228