On July 30th, Altius Space Machines won the $25,000 grand prize in the 2011 Heinlein NewSpace Business Plan Competition, hosted by the Space Frontier Foundation. Altius’ winning business plan focused on their “Direct to Station” space station delivery solution.

Jonathan Goff, Altius CEO, stated: “We are thrilled that our hard work for this competition paid off, and we are grateful to have had the opportunity to publicly present our space station delivery solution.” Direct to Station enables developers of very small satellite (“nanosat”) launch vehicles to provide just-in-time, small-package deliveries to the International Space Station.

“This solution opens up a large new market for nanosat launch providers, who were previously unable to access the ISS because legacy space station delivery systems do not scale down well to nanosat size. Our solution also enables the space station to function more competitively as a world-class research facility,” said Goff. “Ultimately, Direct to Station will change the way space station deliveries are done forever.”

A key part of the Direct to Station delivery concept is the Sticky Boom(TM) docking technology being developed by Altius and SRI International. Sticky Boom(TM), which incorporates SRI’s patented electroadhesion technology at the end of a long deployable boom, can stick to any surface in space, from spacecraft to asteroids. In addition to simplifying space station deliveries, this technology can aid satellite servicing, robotic asteroid missions and space junk disposal.

About Altius Space Machines, Inc.

Altius Space Machines is a Louisville, Colorado-based space technology company founded with the goal of reducing the barriers to space commerce. Altius is currently developing rendezvous and docking solutions using its Sticky Boom(TM) non-cooperative capture technology, for space stations and propellant depots, manned spaceflight, satellite servicing, and other applications. For more information visit www.altius-space.com

About SRI International

Silicon Valley-based SRI International, a nonprofit research and development organization, performs sponsored R&D for governments, businesses, and foundations. SRI brings its innovations to the marketplace through technology licensing, new products, and spin-off ventures. Commemorating its 65th anniversary in 2011, SRI is known for world-changing innovations in computing, health and pharmaceuticals, chemistry and materials, sensing, energy, education, national defense, and more. For more information visit www.sri.com

Press Contacts

Sara Meschberger
Altius Space Machines

Dina Basin
SRI International