Calling all in-service, pre-service and informal educators in the Charlotte area:

Registration is now open for the third annual NASA STEM Educator Workshop Series sponsored by NASA Langley Research Center in Hampton, Va., and Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools on March 1-3. The free workshops continue to blend science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) using NASA education resources relating to current and future NASA missions.

NASA is developing new approaches to innovation. Appropriately, the theme for this year’s workshops is “Embrace the Challenge to Innovate.” Attendees can earn between 6 to 18 hours toward continuing education units and choose to attend either two or three days of the workshops.

“It is an opportunity to discover the learning potential in trying new approaches to the seemingly difficult or impossible,” said Dynae Fullwood, aerospace education specialist at NASA Langley. “The workshops will explore engineering design challenges, problem-based learning activities, distance learning modules, inquiry-based lessons, and hands-on projects.”

Formally held at the IBM Center in downtown Charlotte, this year the workshops will be held at Whitewater Middle School, 1520 Belmeade Dr., Charlotte, N.C.

“The new venue affords us the opportunity to invite more educators,” Fullwood said. “As in previous years, we have grown the event by doubling the number of participants. This year we are able to double the number of workshop sessions, thus increasing the capacity for attendees dramatically.” Teachers interested in participating in the sessions should register at before Feb. 12, 2011. For more information, contact Brandon Hargis at or Chris Gamrat at

For more information on NASA’s educational programs, visit: