Beverly, Massachusetts, October 20, 2010: Explore Mars, Inc., in cooperation with the National Space Society (NSS), is pleased to announce the launch of a new series of public outreach programs called “ISS and Mars” that will explore the question, “How can the International Space Station be used to advance exploration beyond Low Earth Orbit – specifically to Mars?”

After more than a decade of orbital assembly, the International Space Station (ISS) is nearing completion. Recent actions by Congress and the Obama administration will likely extend the life of ISS well into the next decade, which means that ISS will be one of the central missions of the United States human space program for many years to come. Mars has been called the “ultimate destination” of the space program. In this series of programs, world renowned experts will discuss how ISS can be best utilized to advance human and robotic exploration and the science of Mars.

“ISS will be a central part of our human space flight program for at least a decade more,” said Explore Mars Executive Director, Chris Carberry. “We hope through this worldwide discussion that we can help focus attention on utilizing ISS to advance space exploration.”

Added Rick Zucker, NSS Vice President for Public Affairs, “With the Congress and the Administration having reached consensus on a new direction for our space program, the ISS and Mars outreach programs will address issues that now face our nation’s space program as we explore beyond Low Earth Orbit. NSS is very excited about the opportunity to work with Explore Mars, Inc. in this endeavor.”
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Massachusetts will be the site of the first of these programs with a panel discussion on November 5, 2010 beginning at 5:00 p.m. EDT in Room 66-110. In addition to NSS, the MIT chapter of the Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS) will be partnering with us on the MIT program.

Panelist will include –

– Sam Scimemi (Deputy, International Space Station – NASA HQ)

– Dr. Laurence R. Young (MIT – Apollo Program Professor of Astronautics and Professor of Health Sciences and Technology)

– Joe Cassady (Aerojet – Business Development Director for Emerging Exploration Technology)

– Mike Raftery (Boeing – ISS Deputy Program Manager)

– Edward Hodgson (Technical Fellow at Hamilton Sundstrand Space Systems Unit)

Future programs include events in Washington, D.C. in early March 2011 and at the International Space Development Conference (ISDC) in Huntsville, Alabama in May 2011. Explore Mars plans to run similar programs in Europe, Australia, and Asia within the next six months.
Explore Mars was created to promote science and technology innovation and education with a use for Mars exploration and settlement. Through a series of technology innovation awards, scientific symposiums, Mars analog work, technology demonstrations, and other programs, we provide a platform for scientists and “citizen scientists” to engage in meaningful space exploration research and development in the private sector.

For more information regarding the Explore Mars organization, please visit:

Chris Carberry, Explore Mars Inc.

October 20, 2010