The Space Exploration Alliance, the nation’s largest coalition of non-profit space advocacy groups, is poised for its annual visit to Capitol Hill where members will embody the broad public support for human space exploration.

SEA members will be meeting with over 100 Congressional members and staff between February 21 – 23, one of the most ambitious campaigns since the inception of the annual SEA events in 2004.

“As we head into 2010, our members will make clear that space exploration is a national priority and that the economic and technological impact to our Nation are vast, ” said Rick Zucker, Chairman of the Space Exploration Alliance Blitz. “We must fully fund NASA with an eye toward the future and make sure NASA continues to explore.”

“This is the most important SEA Blitz since our founding event in 2004,” said SEA Steering Committee Chairman, Chris Carberry. “While the new space plan has some extremely worthy goals, it needs more definition. We plan to urge Congress, NASA, and the Administration to strengthen the plan by adding ambitious timelines for achieving its goals and making sure that there are worthy destinations for the United States space program.”

Co-organized by the National Space Society and the Space Exploration Alliance, the summit will bring members from around the country to Washington to address the newly-released NASA budget.

The fifth year of SEA’s annual member conferences will include discussion on important issues such as the future of human spaceflight, entrepreneurial solutions to space needs, the use of research and development to enable new technologies, and the need for NASA to choose destinations for humans to travel to beyond low-earth orbit.

The National Space Society and the Space Exploration Alliance expect that the summit will yield powerful results in the upcoming year for our nation’s space agenda.

To learn more about SEA’s 2010 Space Budget Campaign and to participate at this critical time in our Nation’s space program go to

About Space Exploration Alliance

The Space Exploration Alliance (SEA) is an unprecedented partnership of the nation’s premier non-profit space organizations. SEA members believe in NASA’s bold and substantial mandate for human and robotic exploration of the solar system to assure American technological and scientific preeminence in the 21st century. For more information about the Space Exploration Alliance, visit