Calling all teachers in the Charlotte area. NASA Langley Research Center in Hampton, Va., and Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools are inviting educators to take part in free workshops Feb. 23-25. The second annual NASA STEM Educator Workshop Series will showcase science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education resources relating to studying the NASA mission to return to the moon.

During the workshops, teachers will learn new and exciting ways to teach students about the moon. From discovering new web-based materials to study the moon, to learning how to make models of the moon, teachers will have the opportunity to engage in a number of activities that will help them reach students across the curriculum. The three-day workshop includes approximately 40 sessions, each designed for specific teaching levels including elementary, middle and high school.

“This year we will have double the number of workshop offerings than we had last year,” said Dynae Fullwood, Aerospace Education specialist at NASA Langley. “We are adding a media lab, exhibits, and more opportunities for teachers to interact with NASA professionals. Teachers will not be disappointed.”

Experienced educators or education public outreach specialists lead the sessions, demonstrating effective teaching techniques in an effort to improve math and science education.

Workshops will take place at the IBM Center in Charlotte, N.C. Teachers interested in participating in the sessions should register at before January 29, 2010. For more information, contact Brandon Hargis at or Dynae Fullwood at