HOUSTON – The Coalition for Space Exploration salutes the Review of U. S. Human Space Flight Plans Committee and its chairman Norm Augustine for the hard work and diligence brought to the difficult task of re-examining the nation’s future course in space.

The committee addressed the need for the additional investment and commitment that will be necessary so that America can pursue a bold course in the exploration of space, a trajectory that is inspirational, innovative and sustainable while embracing the participation of other nations.

Now is the time for President Obama and Congress to weigh the options outlined by the committee and move quickly to determine a path forward that is worthy of this nation’s great traditions of exploration and discovery.

The choices establish a framework for exciting missions that will merit the participation and vital contributions of human explorers for decades to come.

This endeavor promises to forge closer ties among nations, expand our economic domain, advance technology and create cutting-edge jobs. It will inspire new generations of scientists, engineers and those drawn to solving some of the most difficult challenges that our nation faces in the 21st century. These are challenging times. But this is not the moment for America to turn away from an opportunity to lead a great global initiative.

About the Coalition for Space Exploration

The Coalition for Space Exploration is a group of space industry businesses and advocacy groups that collaborate to educate and inform the public and Congress on the value and benefits of space exploration and to help ensure the United States remains a leader in space, science and technology – key factors that benefit every American, strengthen our nation’s economy and maintain our national security.