The Board of Directors and members of the Association of Space Explorers -USA applaud the confirmation of Charlie Bolden and Lori Garver as NASA’s new Administrator and Deputy Administrator.

“The launch of STS 127 and the upcoming commemorations of humanity’s first missions to the moon all lead to a heightened awareness of the unique and valuable service NASA provides to the cause of expanding the frontiers of exploration, science and technology. Charlie and Lori will provide critical and effective leadership for the nation’s space efforts as NASA undertakes the next step in our evolution as a space-faring species ” said Andy Turnage, Executive Director of ASE-USA.

Bolden and Garver will preside over the transition from shuttle to the next generation of spacecraft, while managing the key international partnerships that will enable continued US access to and utilization of the International Space Station. “They bring a wealth of leadership and management experience to their positions, and will serve as a much needed source of energy and inspiration for NASA, and the nation, as we prepare for a return to the moon and other deep space exploration missions,” said Karol “Bo” Bobko, President of ASE-USA. “I have known Charlie for a long time, and I am confident that he and his team are the right people, at the right time, to lead the agency through this difficult, but exciting period in our nation’s human spaceflight effort.”

About the ASE

The Association of Space Explorers (ASE) is an independent, nonprofit 501(c)(3) professional and educational organization of over 320 flown astronauts and cosmonauts from 34 nations. Founded in 1985, ASE’s mission is to provide a forum for professional dialogue among individuals who have flown in space; to promote the benefits of space science and exploration; to promote education in science and mathematics and inspire students at all levels; to foster environmental awareness; and to encourage international cooperation in the peaceful uses of outer space. For more information on ASE, please visit: