Washington, DC – Monday, June 15th, 2009 – The industry association of companies seeking to make commercial human spaceflight a reality has rolled out a new website and a new name. The Commercial Spaceflight Federation, previously known as the Personal Spaceflight Federation, instituted the changes after a review of the organization’s messaging by industry leaders at a recent board meeting. The emphasis on commercial spaceflight recognizes the diverse business activities of the commercial human spaceflight industry, according to Bretton Alexander, President of the Commercial Spaceflight Federation (CSF). “There are so many uses for commercial access to space,” said Alexander, “and we want to emphasize the broad cross-section of potential markets for our members’ products and services.”

The markets being pursued by commercial spaceflight companies include cargo and crew transportation to the International Space Station, flights of private individuals (so-called “space tourism”), science research missions, technology research and development, astronaut training, education and outreach activities, and national security applications.

“Even in this tough economic climate the commercial spaceflight industry is still growing and creating high-tech jobs – a lot of that comes from a new realization of how broadly these capabilities can be used,” said CSF Executive Director John Gedmark. “Our companies are onthe forefront of major innovation, and through our new website people will be hearing much more about that in the months to come. We’re looking forward to a steady stream of exciting developments in the commercial spaceflight sector in these critical next few years.”