In celebration of Earth Day 2009 NASA’s Digital Learning Network has teamed with director and violinist Kenji Williams to present an out of this world experience known as Bella Gaia. Bella Gaia, which means “beautiful Earth”, is a one-of-a-kind multimedia journey of Earth from space. It will be presented to students and teachers around the world during two webcasts on Wednesday, April 22 at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. EDT.

Bella Gaia uses NASA’s Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer satellite imagery, data and stunning high definition projections of orbiting visualizations of Earth from space. The musical presentation also incorporates earthbound imagery, used to explore our planet through sight and sound.

Through William’s creative genius students can immerse themselves in a vision of Earth from space in celebration of the miracle of life on planet Earth.

“Bella Gaia is just beautiful. It really felt like I was back in space,” said NASA astronaut Piers Sellers, veteran of two space shuttle missions, 2002 and 2006.

The goal of NASA’s Digital Learning Network is to enhance the agency’s ability to deliver unique content by linking students and educators with NASA experts. During the webcast students will have the opportunity to learn more about Williams and his career. Williams will perform and talk about the inspiration for his work using NASA visualizations. NASA visualization artist Helen Kostis of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center will also explain her work and its importance to NASA missions during the webcast.

“The production of Bella Gaia is a magical journey unto itself,” said Marc Herring, executive producer of the Herring Media Group. “We are thrilled to appear on the NASA Digital Learning Network and want to acknowledge the generous support of many organizations.”

Earth Day observance began in 1970 after a horrific oil spill in California. This year will mark the beginning of the Green Generation Campaign which will also be the focus of the 40th anniversary of Earth Day in 2010.

For more information about NASA’s Digital Learning Network or to view this presentation visit:

For a comprehensive listing of NASA Earth Day activities visit:

For more information about NASA education visit:

To learn more about Bella Gaia visit:

To find out more about Earth Day 2009 visit: