Log in during Earth Science Week 2008 as scientists from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center answer the five big Earth science questions. Each day a 2-minute video clip of scientists addressing these questions will be featured at http://www.nasa.gov/goddard along with links to additional Earth science educational resources.

Following is the schedule:

1. Introduction and How is the global Earth system changing? 10/13/08
2. What are the primary forces of the Earth system? 10/14/08
3. How does the Earth system respond to natural and human-induced changes? 10/15/08
4. What are the consequences of change in the Earth system for human civilization? 10/16/08
5. How will the Earth system change in the future? 10/17/08

NASA is a sponsor of Earth Science Week 2008, “No Child Left Inside.” For more information on Earth Science Week, visit http://www.earthsciweek.org .