HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — America’s plans for opening the space frontier – including new human exploration of Earth’s moon and future voyages into the solar system beyond – are featured in an interactive exhibit that will be on display Oct. 16 and 17 during South Dakota Space Days 2008 at the Watertown Event Center in Watertown.

The event is hosted by Lake Area Technical Institute and the South Dakota Space Grant Consortium. The NASA Exploration Experience traveling exhibit gives visitors “a vivid glimpse into the nation’s ambitious future in space,” said Shannon Ridinger, outreach coordinator for the event. “We hope the multimedia experience helps people better understand how the country plans to explore the moon and journey beyond in the next decade or so.”

The free exhibit will be open 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. for students and 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. for the public Oct. 16. The exhibit will be open 9 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. for students and 2:30 p.m. until 4 p.m. for the public Oct. 17.

The exhibit simulates a breathtaking visit to the first destination on America’s new journey into the solar system: Earth’s moon. “Interactive control panels and activity stations, immersive 3D imagery and audio effects will plunge visitors into a not-too-distant future on the moon,” said Ridinger. “They’ll discover what it will be like to live and work on the surfaces of other worlds – and how it will benefit life back home on Earth.”

NASA staffers will be on hand to answer questions and discuss some of the thousands of technologies used on Earth as a result of years of space-based research and development by the agency and its partners.

Exhibit visitors can learn how our quality of life improves as America’s space exploration activities refine existing technologies and develop new breakthroughs in areas such as power generation, computer technology, communications, networking and robotics. Visitors can learn how other advanced technologies are increasing the safety and reliability of space transportation systems, while also reducing costs.

The Exploration Experience and other exhibits from NASA will be on display during Space Days, along with numerous other exhibits from educational, government and private sector organizations from South Dakota and North Dakota with ties to the space program. South Dakota Space Days 2008 will emphasize the connection between investing in space exploration and how the average American citizen benefits from spin-off technologies such as in the agricultural and medical fields. Space Days will feature hands-on math and science activities for students in grades 7-12, featured speakers in space-related research for post-secondary students and the general public and NASA scientists giving presentations to students and the general public.

Touring the NASA Exploration Experience exhibit takes approximately 10 minutes. The exhibit is wheelchair accessible.

NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., manages the traveling exhibit for the agency’s Exploration Systems Mission Directorate in Washington. For more information, visit: