This Fall, enter your short video online – top prize is $2000 cash!

Nyack, NY – July 3, 2008 What’s your opinion on the future of U.S. human spaceflight? Should astronauts be going back to the moon, or on to Mars? Can robots do everything that people can? Will the growing NewSpace industry dominate human space activities? Should we be exploring space at all? Your short video response, posted on, could win you $2,000.

The creators of the 2008 Space VidVision Contest are awarding that top prize, as well as $1000 and $500 for second and third place, for the best videos that answer the question, “What should the future of American human spaceflight be?” The contest is being co-sponsored by the Space Frontier Foundation and, two grassroots advocacy groups. They hope the contest will to stimulate discussion about space, especially with this year’s elections and major changes coming at NASA.

“We’re looking for the best arguments for or against sending people into space, or for changing current plans,” said contest organizer Greg Zsidisin. “We’re looking for videos that make a really compelling case for what the future should bring.”

William Watson, Executive Director of the Space Frontier Foundation said, “We have no doubt that the state of space exploration will be changing but we are not sure which direction it will go in. This contest will enable both those with decades of experience and the newest generation of space advocates to express their opinions.”

Complete rules can be found at Entries must be posted no later than Sunday, November 2. The contest is open to anyone regardless of age or citizenship except the judges and their families. The winner will be announced on Saturday November 15, 2008 at SpaceVision 2008, the annual conference of Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS) at Texas A&M Unversity.

For more information on the 2008 Space VidVision Contest, contact Greg Zsidisin at (201) 696-3863 or, or visit For more information on the Space Frontier Foundation, contact William Watson at (202) 378-4308, or visit

For more information about Students for the Exploration of Space (SEDS), visit