Ryan Sheridan, a student from Moscow, Idaho, will spend this summer at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. as a participant of the NASA Undergraduate Student Research Program (USRP). Sheridan is an engineering student at the University of Idaho.

NASA-USRP is a 15-week program designed to provide undergraduate students hands-on experience within a NASA environment. While at Goddard Sheridan will be surrounded by some of the world’s premier scientists and engineers devoted to research in Earth science, space science, technology and space communications. He will be able to gain valuable research experience under the supervision of a NASA mentor.

“I have always thought that working for NASA would be a great job,” Sheridan said. “It is ideal for me because of my interest in remote sensing and how the Earth or other planets can be studied.”

Competitively selected students must have at least a 3.0 grade-point- average and major in engineering, science (physics, chemistry, biology) math, computer science or other areas of interest to the aerospace program.

“This is a wonderful experience for a student,” said Dr. Vigdor Tepiltz, chief of Higher Education for NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. “NASA’s space program is just about the greatest show on Earth if you are a technical person and having young eager people with fresh points-of-view and questions is good for NASA. It makes for a productive summer for all.”

The summer program begins today and runs through Aug. 8.

“This internship will give me valuable ‘real world’ experience,” Sheridan said. “I feel that I will be better prepared to apply to graduate school and begin work on a research thesis.”

Interested media should contact Dewayne Washington at the phone number listed above.

For more information visit: http://education.nasa.gov/home/index.html