NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and the Howard B. Owens Science Center will celebrate a first year partnership created to inspire and educate Prince George’s County school students in the study of Earth science during a special recognition program this Saturday, May 10, 12:30 p.m. at the Goddard Visitor Center.

Goddard scientists along with Prince George’s County community teachers and leaders will recognize more than 600 students from 23 schools throughout the county. Participates of the program were given classroom instructions about current NASA Goddard studies of the earth. Students were also able to view climate change data on Goddard’s Science On A Sphere (SOS), an advanced media projections systems to display animated data images. Images included climate change, population, weather, and exploration. There are only 15 SOS systems in the world.

“In an era when we need more students to move into Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics careers, experiences such as those offered through SOS is a key tool to spark the imagination of students,” says, Dr. Robert Gabrys, Goddard Chief Education Officer.

The imagination and coordinating efforts of the Goddard science community and the Owens Science Center staff have proven to be a real benefit to all students of Prince George’s County.

“NASA-Goddard is making an invaluable contribution to our students learning and their futures,” said Dr. John E. Deasy, Superintendent of Prince George’s County Public Schools. “The combination of resources and experiences provided by NASA-Goddard and the Howard B. Owens Science Center teaches science to students in ways that will prepare them for futuristic careers that may not have even been thought of yet.

“Our students could one day use the knowledge they gain to provide solutions to global warming, weather events, and other challenges facing mankind worldwide.”

For more information about Goddard Earth Science visit:

For more information about the Howard B. Owens Science Center visit: