Ten years ago astronomers came upon incredible evidence that the universe is filled with a sea of “dark energy,” – a pressure of which counteracts the pull of gravity and is pushing galaxies apart at an ever faster rate.

The reality of dark energy is profound because it suggests that there is a fundamental gap in our understanding of the basic constituents of nature.

Observations dedicated to understanding what dark energy is now occupy a significant fraction of major telescope programs. Ambitious new space missions dedicated to studying dark energy are being planned by NASA/DOE, as well as ESA.

It is expected that dark-energy research over the next decade may well lead to a deeper understanding of the laws of physics.

The Space Telescope Science Institute’s 2008 May Symposium: A Decade of Dark Energy will focus on cutting-edge issues in the study of dark energy. The conference, which will be held May 5-8, will include:

  • Latest observational results
  • Theoretical advances
  • Strategies for optimizing future observations
  • Plans for future dark-energy projects

In conjunction with the Decade of Dark Energy conference, the STScI News Office will host a Science Writer’s Workshop on Thursday, May 8 from 12:45 to 2:00 p.m.

The Science Writer’s Workshop speakers and discussion topics will be:

Adam Riess (STScI)
“New Results on the Hubble Constant”

Saul Perlmutter (Univ. of California, Lawrence Berkeley Lab)
“The Latest Results on Dark Energy from Supernovae”

Rachel Bean (Cornell Univ.)
“Physical Models for Dark Energy”

Daniel Eisenstein (Univ. of Arizona, Steward Observ.)
“Baryon Acoustic Oscillations”

Mario Livio (STScI)
“Dark Energy: Hopes and Expectations”

The Science Writer’s Workshop will be held in the John Bahcall Auditorium of the Space Telescope Science Institute, 3700 San Martin Drive, Baltimore, Md. 21218.

Additional information about the conference is available at: http://www.stsci.edu/institute/conference/spring2008

Journalists will receive complimentary registration for the meeting and the Science Writer’s Workshop. If you are interested in attending the Decade of Dark Energy conference and/or the Writer’s Workshop, please register before May 5 by sending an e-mail message to Cheryl Gundy (gundy@stsci.edu) providing the following information:



Surface mail address:

Phone number:

Fax number:

Date of arrival:

Parking needed:

Attending reception on Sun., May 4:

Attending conference dinner on Wed., May 7:

Attending writer’s workshop on Thurs., May 8:

The Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) conducts Hubble Space Telescope science operations. The institute is operated for NASA by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., Washington, DC. The Hubble Space Telescope is a project of international cooperation between NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) and is managed by NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) in Greenbelt, Md.