AIA strongly endorses the findings of a study released today by the Center for Strategic and International Studies that provides quantifiable evidence that the U.S. space industrial base has been weakened by U.S. export control policy for commercial satellites and their components. 

The report highlights the negative impact of U.S. policy on one of our nation’s key strategic assets. The U.S. space industrial base provides our warfighters with state-of-the-art communications, navigation, surveillance, weather forecasting capabilities and missile warning assets.

Based on a government survey of more than 200 U.S. companies, the report concludes that second- and third-tier suppliers, the source of much innovation, have been hit especially hard since export sales are vital to help offset their significant investments in research and development.  

The report identifies practical recommendations to improve controls on commercial satellites and components while still ensuring these technologies are protected appropriately.

AIA looks forward to the contributions of this report to the broader discussion of the need to make the U.S. export control system more rigorous, predictable, efficient and transparent.