Who will save Earth?

Film maker Mark Moidel of Space Viz Productions has been asking this question to the world’s foremost authorities on NEO mitigation.

Experts include top-notch NEO scientists; Simon P. Worden (ret. gen. USAF – now head of NASA Ames); Apollo 9 astronaut Rusty Schweickart; comet-hunter David H. Levy; physicist Freeman Dyson; and scifi writer Sir Arthur C. Clarke.

“Scientists and the military have only recently awakened to the notion that impacts with Earth do happen” says film maker Mark Moidel.

“”Planetary Defense” meets with both the scientific and military communities to study our options to mitigate an impact.

Civilization is ill prepared for the inevitable. It’s not if an impact will happen with the Earth, it’s when!”

Sir Arthur C. Clarke says: “The current worldwide scare about climate change is certainly a valid concern. But we must not allow these terrestrial concerns to distract political attention — or resources — from preparing for very real dangers we face from outer space. How ironic it would be to mobilise billions of dollars to contain global warming, if our planet is then battered by what I once called ‘The Hammer of God’!

Without exaggeration, I can say this is one of the most important documentaries made. You may quote me on this.”

(Sir Arthur C. Clarke, Author of many books, including “2001: A Space Odyssey”, Futurist, Colombo, Sri Lanka, May 23, 2007)

Last August, the film had it’s world premiere at the United Nations and was broadcast on the United Nations television station in Manhattan and simulcast around the world through the United Nations web cast.

Some other eminent reviews have just come from “The Library Journal” (NYC) and “Booklist” (Chicago), both in the December 15th, 2007 issues.

Planetary Defense. Color. 48 minutes. M Moidel, Space Viz Productions, DVD $49.99. Astronomy. http://www.SpaceViz.com

If terrorism, the economy, and global warming weren’t enough to worry about, this documentary takes worry to a whole new level–planetary extinction! It brings together eminent scientists, Apollo 9 astronaut Rusty Schweickart, and legendary sf writer Sir Arthur C. Clarke to focus serious attention on the possibility of a catastrophic collision between Earth and an asteroid or other astronomical object. It presents evidence of previous impacts, the possible effect of various collision scenarios, and what actions could be taken to avert such a calamity. The documentary is especially good at showing how scientists are researching the problem and what policy constraints need to be overcome to mount a realistic planetary defense. It presents animations of impacts and scenes of scientific work in a visually appealing, fast-paced manor reminiscent of the Discovery Channel. Clarke and numerous scientists appear on screen. The program is formatted for broadcast with commercial breaks. Recommended for astronomical and popular science collections in all libraries.

–Lawrence R. Maxted, Gannon Univ. Lib., Erie, PA, Reviewer for “The Library Journal” (New York City) Issue: Dec 15, 2007

This fascinating program introduces the concept of NEO (Near Earth Objects). Various scientists, science fiction authors (including Arthur C. Clarke), and military spokesmen discuss the probability of asteroids and comets colliding with our planet as well as the potential devastation this would bring. Apparently, asteroids and comets possibly colliding with Earth is not such a far-fetched idea as NASA scientists track a high amount of asteroids to determine their composition and path of travel. Interviewed experts show how to chart and compare data, and specialists speculate on methods of heading off approaching NEOs. Inter-cutting the interviews are space footage and computer graphics worthy of Star Wars films. Although interview segments vary in technical quality, this compelling documentary is a reminder that our planet is a small component of a vast universe, and we are not always in control of our destiny.

-Candace Smith, Reviewer for “Booklist” (Chicago), Issue: December 15, 2007


Space Viz Productions (206) 203-2784 info @ spaceviz . com


Space Viz Productions- http://www.SpaceViz.com

Planetary Defense (page) – http://www.SpaceViz.com/documentaries/planetarydefense/planetarydefense.html

Library Journal (review) – http://www.libraryjournal.com/article/CA6510092.html?industryid=47117

A .pdf of Comments and Reviews – http://www.spaceviz.com/img/Planetary_Defense_comments.pdf

View Full-Size DVD Cover – http://www.spaceviz.com/img/PlanetaryDefenseDVDCoverTemplate.jpg