NASA’s Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate, Fundamental Aeronautics Program, has awarded approximately $250,000 to M4 Engineering Inc. of Signal Hill, Calif., for work described in the NASA research announcement proposal “Simultaneous Flutter Suppression, Gust Load Alleviation and Ride Quality Augmentation for Supersonic Aircraft at Transonic Conditions.”

This award will foster a close collaboration with and facilitate the exchange of ideas and information among researchers in NASA, industry, academia and other government agencies to benefit the nation’s aeronautics community.

The Fundamental Aeronautics Program conducts cutting-edge research to develop vehicles designed to fly through any atmosphere at any speed. Long-term program goals include increasing the performance of future vehicles and significantly advancing technologies critical to reducing noise, emissions and fuel consumption. The program also supports NASA’s space exploration plans through advancements in fundamental technology that can impact the ability to access space and survive planetary entry, descent and landing. The Fundamental Aeronautics Program is divided into the Subsonic Fixed Wing, Subsonic Rotary Wing, Supersonics, and Hypersonics Projects.

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