Space Foundation Honors The Astronauts Memorial
Foundation, U.S. Launch Teams, and Space Artist Bob McCall at
19th National Space Symposium

Colorado Springs, Colo. (March 17, 2003) – The Space Foundation
announced today the 2003 winners of its three premier annual
achievement awards:

* The Douglas S. Morrow Public Outreach Award will be presented to legendary space artist Robert T. McCall.

* The Space Foundation Space Achievement Award will be presented to the United States Air Force, The Boeing Company and Lockheed Martin Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV) teams.

* The Space Foundation Education Achievement Award will be presented to the Astronauts Memorial Foundation.

The Space Foundation will present the awards April 7 during the
opening ceremony of the 19th National Space Symposium, held April
7-10 at The Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs. The National
Space Symposium is the only space-related conference to fully
integrate all sectors of space – commercial, civil and national security
– while attracting the most important and influential speakers and the
national leadership of the space industry. More than 4,000 industry
leaders and representatives are expected to participate at the

The Douglas S. Morrow Public Outreach Award is presented to
Robert T. McCall for his work as the world’s preeminent space artist.
For decades McCall has captured the excitement and wonder of
space exploration, the potential of space for all humanity and the
future that space may hold for all; through his work he has expressed
his enduring support of real-world space exploration and
development, as evidenced by his personal commitment to NASA,
the Space Foundation and the space industry.

The Space Foundation annually presents the Douglas S. Morrow
Public Outreach Award in memory of the late Douglas S. Morrow,
renowned Academy Award winning writer and producer, space
advocate, and former Space Foundation Director, to an individual or
organization that has made significant contributions to public
awareness of space programs. Previous Morrow Award recipients
include the late Gene Roddenberry and Majel Barrett Roddenberry,
Popular Science magazine, the crew of Space Shuttle Mission STS-
95, and NASA’s JPL Mars Pathfinder Team.

The Space Foundation Space Achievement Award is presented to
the U.S. Air Force, Lockheed Martin, and The Boeing Company
EELV teams for the successful design, development, test and first
flight of the Atlas V and Delta IV launch vehicles, resulting in
significant new space launch capabilities to serve the civil,
commercial and national security space interest of the United States
of America.

The Space Foundation annually recognizes an individual or
organization that has demonstrated space achievement,
breakthrough space technology, or program or product success
deemed to represent a critical milestone in the evolution of space
exploration and development. Previous recipients of the Space
Achievement Award include the NASA/Industry Galileo Space Probe
Team and the men and women of U.S. Space Command and its
component organizations, the Hubble Space Telescope Team, Sea
Launch, the NASA/Boeing International Space Station Team, and
General Thomas S. Moorman Jr.

The Space Foundation Education Achievement Award is presented
to The Astronauts Memorial Foundation for its outstanding leadership
and achievement in the development, implementation and support of
a wide variety of effective space-inspired and space-based education

The Space Foundation annually presents the Education Achievement
Award to organizations that demonstrate involvement in exemplary
education initiatives for the purpose of motivating young people to
excel in space-based education. Previous recipients include Civil Air
Patrol, Lockheed Martin’s Space Day Program, Kansas
Cosmosphere and Space Center, Challenger Center, Lowell
Observatory and NASA.

The 19th National Space Symposium’s opening ceremony is co-
sponsored by Northrop Grumman Corporation; the exhibit center is
sponsored by The Boeing Company; the media center and Space
Career Fair for College Students Luncheon are both sponsored by
Lockheed Martin Corporation; the 15th Anniversary Space
Technology Hall of Fame Awards Dinner is co-sponsored by
Northrop Grumman; the Corporate Partnership Dinner is co-
sponsored by Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp.; and the
cyberspace center is sponsored by Oracle Corporation. Additional
sponsors include Analytical Graphics, Inc., BAE Systems, Computer
Sciences Corporation, Eastman Kodak Company, General
Dynamics, Harris Corporation, Holland and Hart, Infinite Links,
Iridium, ITT Industries, ManTech, MicroSat Systems, Inc., Penwal
Industries, Red Canyon Software, Inc., Space News/,
SpaceVest, Stellar Solutions and Veridian.

In addition to the National Space Symposium, the Space Foundation
and its partnering organizations will conduct the American Space
Showcase at the Paris Air Show, June 15-22, 2003; and the
International Space Symposium, Oct. 28-30, 2003, at the Ronald
Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington, D.C.
For more information on the Space Foundation visit