support of the Space Green
, a series of seminars, workshops and hearings are being organised
throughout Europe to foster a broad consultation process, including
national and international organisations, the European space industry,
the scientific community and the general public. A wide-ranging exchange
involving all of the relevant stakeholders will help to shape a comprehensive
EU Space Policy, to be detailed in a White Paper (or Action Plan) later
this year. Contributions can also be posted via the dedicated On-line

The Inaugural Conference
for this process will be held on Thursday, 6 March in Brussels. The
Conference will be opened with introductory remarks on the Future of
Europe in Space by a range of personalities including: Philippe Busquin,
European Commissioner for Research; Jean-Luc Dehaene, Vice President
of the European Convention; Antonio Rodotà, Director General
of the European Space Agency; and Loyola De Palacio, European Commissioner
for Transport and Energy.

The Brussels Conference will feature a series of open Discussion
Panels on a range of key issues discussed in the Green Paper including
Space Science, Access to Space, Space Applications, Security Aspects,
Industrial Aspects, Human Space Flight, and Institutional Aspects.

For locations and dates of Consultation Events, click
(Please note that this information is still subject to change. Updated
information will be posted on this site as it becomes available.)