General Information

  • Document Type: Special Notice
  • Solicitation Number: NASA-SNOTE-021009-001
  • Posted Date: Oct 09, 2002
  • Original Response Date:
  • Original Archive Date: Oct 09, 2003
  • Current Archive Date:

Contracting Office Address

NASA/John F. Kennedy Space Center, Procurement, Kennedy Space Center, FL 32899


Business leaders who wish to better understand how to contract with the government will not want to miss the Business Opportunities Expo 2002 on Tuesday, October 22. Government purchasing agents will also want to attend to learn what local and national vendors have to offer. The Expo will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Cruise Terminal No. 5 at Port Canaveral, Florida.

The annual trade show – sponsored by the NASA/Kennedy Space Center Small Business Council, 45th Space Wing and Canaveral Port Authority – will feature 175 business and government exhibitors, some from Brevard and others from across the country. Exhibitors will include vendors from a variety of product and service areas, including computer technology, communication equipment/services, construction, and safety products.

Representatives of NASA, the 45th Space Wing, prime contractors, Spaceport Florida Authority, and many more will be available to give out information and answer specific questions about doing business with their respective organizations. Admission is free and open to the public.

For more detailed information, go to the following website at