Funding closely follows Science Committee recommendations
WASHINGTON, D.C. – House Science Committee Chairman Sherwood Boehlert (R-NY) praised the House Appropriations Committee for following the Science Committee’s lead in pushing for a doubling of the National Science Foundation budget and increasing the investment in math and science education. The Appropriations Committee today passed the VA-HUD bill that also funds independent agencies including the National Science Foundation (NSF) and NASA.
The bill includes a $627 million increase for NSF over the fiscal year 2002 budget and also boosts NASA’s budget by $398 million over last year’s amounts. The 13.1 percent increase in NSF funding would bring its budget close to the level that the Science Committee recommended in its bill to double funding over five years at the agency (H.R. 4664). Also funded in the appropriations bill are Science Committee proposals to improve science and math education – the National Math and Science Partnerships ($160 million), the Tech Talent Act ($13 million) and the Noyce Scholarship Program ($7 million). H.R. 1858 and H.R. 3130 are the Science Committee authorization vehicles for these education programs.
“The appropriations process is a long, arduous task and at this point it is difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel,” Boehlert said. “However, I am very pleased that Chairman Bill Young, VA-HUD Subcommittee Chairman Walsh, and Ranking Member Mollohan recognized the importance of a balanced federal R&D portfolio and have taken steps to truly invest in our future.. Increased research and development can be a cure to an ailing economy and this step represents the first dose in the treatment process.”