Arlington, Va.-The Aerospace Industries Association Board of Governors has elected Michael T. Strianese, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of L-3 Communications, as its Chairman for 2014.  Strianese will begin his term Jan. 1, succeeding Wes Bush, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President of Northrop Grumman Corporation.  David L. Joyce, President and Chief Executive Officer of GE Aviation, was elected AIA’s Vice Chairman.

“I look forward to working with the Association and its member companies to promote the country’s national security and broader economic interests. Our industry is at the forefront of innovation and helps protect our nation and our troops,” said Mr. Strianese. “We must do all we can to ensure that the decisions coming out of Washington preserve our industrial base and continue to foster the pioneering spirit that has allowed us to accomplish so much.”

“We are delighted to have Mike Strianese serve as AIA Chairman in 2014,” said AIA President and CEO Marion C. Blakey.  “As an industry, we are facing troubled times and his experience, engagement and vocal leadership will be very welcome.”

The Board re-elected Marion C. Blakey as AIA’s President and Chief Executive Officer and Ginette C. Colot, AIA’s Chief Financial Officer, as the Board’s Secretary-Treasurer.

CONTACT:  Dan Stohr

(703) 358-1078 office

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