Arlington, Va. – The Aerospace Industries Association is excited to announce it has partnered with the Challenger Center for Space Science Education to further enhance and grow the crowdfund campaign to place an ad trailer on NASA’s new exploration for the premier of “Star Trek Into Darkness.”

As a founding member of the STEM education movement, Challenger Center utilizes dynamic, hands-on exploration and discovery opportunities in communities around the globe, engaging more than 400,000 middle school-age students and 40,000 educators each year through simulated space missions that bring their classroom studies to life and cultivate the skills needed for future success.

AIA’s IndieGoGo campaign reached its initial goal in less than 6 days with more than 1,300 donors. If the campaign reaches its new goal of $94,000 by May 1, AIA in partnership with Challenger Center will place the trailer ad in at least one movie theater in every state in America. Should the campaign go beyond $94,000, all of the remaining proceeds will be used to enhance and grow Challenger Center’s impact.

To view the campaign, visit