WALLOPS ISLAND, VA -NASA will support the test flight of a commercial suborbital rocket between 6 and 9 a.m. EST, November 7, from the Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia. The backup launch days are November 8 – 14.

Ventions VR-1 is a 10.6 feet tall, 6-inch diameter liquid-fueled rocket from Ventions LLC. It is projected to fly to about 3 miles altitude during its nearly 3.5 minute flight.

The launch may be seen in the Wallops area.

The mission will be available live on Ustream beginning at 5:30 a.m. on launch day at: http://www.ustream.com/channel/nasa-wallops

Mission status on launch day also can be followed on Twitter and Facebook at: http://www.Twitter.com/NASA_Wallops https://www.facebook.com/NASAWFF

Mission status also is available on the Wallops launch status line at 757-824-2050.