Aerojet, a GenCorp, Inc. company and a core propulsion provider for NASA’s new space exploration vehicle, Orion, recently conducted an internally-funded static firing of a key Launch Abort System component. Orion’s Launch Abort System is a new capability that will allow the astronaut crew to safely escape in the event of an emergency during launch. Aerojet’s test of an abort motor reverse flow nozzle increases the technical readiness of the Launch Abort System concept.

The near full-scale reverse flow nozzle test demonstrated the nozzle performance needed to ensure successful implementation of the Launch Abort System. Aerojet’s design incorporates a clean-burning solid propellant designed to minimize contamination of other parts of the rocket. “The recent successful test of this capability positions Aerojet as a potential supplier for this technically challenging product,” says Aerojet vice president of Business Development, Rick Yezzi. “This accelerated, four-month effort to design, fabricate, and conduct a high-fidelity static firing has demonstrated that the performance objectives of the Launch Abort System tractor motor can be achieved.”

Aerojet is a world-recognized aerospace and defense leader principally serving the missile and space propulsion and armaments markets. GenCorp is a leading technology-based manufacturer of aerospace and defense products and systems with a real estate business segment that includes activities related to the entitlement, sale, and leasing of the company’s excess real estate assets. Additional information about Aerojet and GenCorp can be obtained by visiting the companies’ Web sites at and