Washington D.C. – The Commercial Spaceflight Federation’s Suborbital Applications Researchers Group (SARG) announced today the formation of the SARG Ambassadors Program, and opened enrollment. The SARG Ambassadors Program allows interested scientists and educators around the nation to help spread the word about the uses of next-gen commercial reusable suborbital vehicles for research and education.

SARG is an advisory committee composed of experienced scientists, researchers and educators dedicated to furthering the research and education potential of commercial suborbital launch vehicles.

SARG’s goals include increasing awareness of commercial suborbital flights among scientists and educators and working with policymakers to ensure that payloads will have access to a new generation of research and education tools.

SARG is now recruiting Ambassadors to help achieve these goals by communicating the broad benefits of suborbital spaceflight through public appearances and talks. SARG Ambassadors will be connected with opportunities to communicate in their respective surrounding areas and will be encouraged to reach out to local policy makers and government agencies with their important message.

SARG chairman, Dr. Alan Stern of the Southwest Research Institute added, “The SARG Ambassador program will be an extension of the SARG committee, increasing the outreach ability for research and education missions. SARG Ambassadors will allow us to increase our reach and our expertise base manifold.”

Alex Saltman, the Executive Director of CSF said, “Suborbital spaceflight will be important for science, research and education, and this program is an important part of SARG’s grassroots efforts. With the Ambassadors program, we will be able to link talented scientists, researchers and educators to those wishing to know more about research and education applications on commercial suborbital vehicles and to inform a broader audience about the exciting opportunities in suborbital science, using real-life and close-to-home examples.”

For more information about the SARG Ambassador Program, please visit the program’s webpage.

For more information about SARG, please visit the Commercial Spaceflight Federation’s webpage.

About the Commercial Spaceflight Federation

The mission of the Commercial Spaceflight Federation (CSF) is to promote the development of commercial human spaceflight, pursue ever-higher levels of safety, and share best practices and expertise throughout the industry. The Commercial Spaceflight Federation’s member companies, which include commercial spaceflight developers, operators, spaceports, suppliers, and service providers, are creating thousands of high-tech jobs nationwide, working to preserve American leadership in aerospace through technology innovation, and inspiring young people to pursue careers in science and engineering. For more information please visit www.commercialspaceflight.org or contact Executive Director Alex Saltman at saltman@commercialspaceflight.org or at 202.349.1121.