Lars Persson has been appointed as the new President and CEO for Swedish Space Corporation as from February 16. Lars Persson previously served as CEO for Marratech AB and will replace Claes-Göran Borg who is going into retirement.

Lars has been very internationally active and has more than 25 years of experience from the IT and Telecom sectors. He has been CEO for France Telecom and Telenor in Sweden. He is also a member of the board in CyberCom, a consulting firm listed on the stock exchange.

“Swedish Space Corporation is a successful and innovative company in the forefront of technology, a true demonstration of the Swedish innovation system. It will be most exciting and interesting to be able to contribute to the future development of a company that already is one of the world’s leading companies in space technology and services” says Lars Persson.

“We are very pleased to appoint Lars as our President and CEO” says Olof Rydh, Swedish Space Corporation’s Chairman of the Board. “Lars has the capacity and experience required to successfully manage the Swedish Space Corporation, an internationally focussed advanced technology company. The conditions for continued positive progress are excellent built upon the previous efforts of our retiring President and CEO Claes-Göran Borg.”

For more information, please contact Anna Rathsman, Corporate Communications, tel +46 8 627 62 62.