The Coalition for Space Exploration today launched its new Web site, which can be found online at .

The Coalition for Space Exploration is an advocacy group dedicated to increasing public understanding and support of the nation’s Vision for Space Exploration — a focused plan for the United States’ continued exploration of space.

Specifically, the plan encompasses returning the space shuttle to flight, which has been successfully accomplished; completing the International Space Station — an ongoing effort; building the next generation of space vehicles, for which NASA awarded the contract in August; and upcoming missions to the moon, and going on to mars and beyond. The Vision helps to ensure that the United States remains a leader in space, science and technology – key factors that impact the nation’s economy and help to maintain homeland security.

The new Web site is designed to enhance the organization’s mission to increase public awareness and understanding of the Vision.

“The internet is an integral part of the Coalition’s plan to communicate the importance of our nation’s Vision for Space Exploration, keep the public informed of the accomplishments made in achieving this Vision and how these milestones benefit everyone,” said Jeff Carr, chairman of the Coalition.

In addition to detailed information about the nation’s stepping-stone approach to the Vision, details regarding current NASA space shuttle missions and other space-related articles, the Web site has a direct link to — a new online tool where visitors can learn about current space legislation, examine law-makers’ voting records and positions on the space exploration program, and get involved by communicating directly with their legislators.

“Advocacy at the grassroots level is critical to the future of space exploration, and both Web sites serve as unique platforms for the public to learn about the importance of our country’s space program, become engaged and provide a forum to address their support.”

For more information about the Coalition for Space Exploration or the Vision for Space Exploration, visit .