Invitation to the Press for Covering the 38th Annual Meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences (American Astronomical Society) in Pasadena, California, 8-13 October, 2006.

Members of the print and broadcast media are cordially invited to attend the scientific sessions and press conferences associated with the 38th Annual Meeting of the Division for Planetary Sciences in Pasadena, California, October 8-13, 2006. We expect an exciting program with many press-worthy scientific results being reported from current space missions and various ground-based astronomical observations, laboratory and theoretical studies. The scientific program is posted at:

We expect to hold daily press briefings over the lunch period each day so as to avoid conflict with the scientific presentations, which will also be open to members of the press. Light snacks and refreshments will be available during that time for registered members of the press. There will be a press work room available for members of the press to prepare and communicate their reports. We will have wireless Internet available in that room, and can provide telephone and/or fax support as well if needed. Due to the increasing use of Internet and cell phones, we may not provide fax and wired telephone service in the work room unless specifically requested by enough members of the press to justify it. Please communicate your needs to the Press Officer, contact below.

No registration fee is charged to media personnel attending the DPS Meeting, but names and affiliations must be on the approved list provided to registration personnel by the DPS Press Officer. To request approval as a member of the press, please contact the Press Officer with your full name, media affiliation, and any other documentation needed to establish your press credential.

A tour of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) for interested media members is being planned on Wednesday afternoon, October 11, 2006, lasting about three hours. It is essential that required information (Name, affiliation and Citizenship) be provided by September 28th for entry to JPL. If you are interested in attending this tour, please notify the DPS Press Officer.

Please direct other questions regarding DPS press activities or media-related matters to the DPS Press Officer Dr.Sanjay S. Limaye (