Bethesda, MD – Guy Fogleman, Ph.D. has been selected as the new Executive Director of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB). He will join FASEB on July 10. In announcing the appointment, FASEB President Bruce R. Bistrian, M.D., Ph.D. called Dr. Fogleman “a proven leader with a wealth of experience in management and research.” FASEB “looks forward to working with Dr. Fogleman to achieve our shared goal of increasing support for biomedical research,” Bistrian added.

Dr. Fogleman was formerly Director of the Biomedical Research Division and Associate Director for Human Health and Performance at NASA, where he led NASA’s biomedical and biological science and technology programs. He has conducted research at the NASA Ames Research Center on the origins of life and the physics of particles in microgravity. Prior to working for NASA, he served as associate professor at San Francisco State University and research associate at Tri-University Meson Facility at the University of British Columbia, where he conducted research in theoretical elementary particle physics. Dr. Fogleman has a Ph.D. in physics, M.A. in mathematics and M.S. in physics from Indiana University in Bloomington and has served as U.S. co-chair of the U.S-Russia Joint Working Group on Space Life Sciences and U.S. delegate to the multilateral International Space Life Sciences Working Group. “I am looking forward to serving as Executive Director,” Dr. Fogleman stated. “FASEB is a great organization with a distinguished history and an important mission.” Enhancing synergy among the member societies will be a top priority, he continued.

FASEB is composed of 22 societies with more than 84,000 members, making it the largest coalition of biomedical research associations in the United States. FASEB’s mission is to enhance the ability of biomedical and life scientists to improve—through their research—the health, well-being and productivity of all people. FASEB serves the interests of these scientists in those areas related to public policy, facilitates coalition activities among Member Societies and disseminates information on biological research through scientific conferences and publications.