Space Adventure, an unprecedented immersive experience, celebrating one of humanity’s most important milestones – the arrival of man on the moon – will make its U.S. debut in Miami on April 7, 2022. The exhibit, which is out of this world – literally – will be housed in a megastructure specifically designed for the exhibit located in the heart of Downtown Miami at Maurice A. Ferré Park (formerly known as Museum Park), next to the Pérez Art Museum (PAMM), FTX Arena and Bayside ( To celebrate the opening of the exhibit, Charles Duke, an astronaut who went to the moon on Apollo 16, will be present to share his experiences with attendees.

This fascinating journey through one of humanity’s most significant feats and moments includes more than 300 original NASA artifacts. Revelers will have the opportunity to experience the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo missions – responsible for bringing the first humans to the lunar surface – through a series of immersive rooms that include original artifacts that no one has ever seen or been given access to before. These include the control panel and counting clock of the Houston Space Center, computers used in 1960, radios used for communication between spacecraft and Earth, astronaut suits, cameras used to capture the famous images of the lunar surface and astronauts, work tools and devices that filtered the air inside the modules, the Apollo mission food menu featuring items that could be stored for decades and products developed especially for the personal hygiene of astronauts while they were in the space.

The exhibition will be divided into several stages. The first is a 180-degree immersive video that welcomes and transports visitors to the space environment they are about to immerse themselves in, followed by a journey into the main room where the 300 original NASA objects are housed. From there they continue to the Control Room, which features the original computers from the NASA Space Center.  Attendees will then embark on their wonderful journey from the “Departure to the Moon” room to culminate in the lunar landing in the “Arrival on the Moon” room.

Combining education and entertainment, the exhibition also includes a series of images and films documenting the different lunar missions through the years, as well as virtual reality experiences and a 5D Cinema with content related to space.

To add even more excitement and authenticity to this unique experience, Charles Duke, one of the astronauts who went to the moon, will be present for the opening of this unique exhibit and will share with the attendees many of his extraordinary experiences, memories and stories. Duke was responsible for communications with astronauts on the Apollo 11 mission in 1969 and later, in 1971, he was a pilot for the Orion Lunar Module on the Apollo 16 mission, in which he spent about 20 hours collecting around 100 kg of lunar rock and conducting various scientific experiments in the most rugged geographic areas of the lunar surface.

The Space Adventure exhibit will be open Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Fridays and Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tickets are available at and start at $24.99 for children, $34.99 for adults and $93.99 for VIP access. Following its debut in Miami, the traveling exhibit will tour the United States and Canada. For a full list of tour locations and dates, visit

This groundbreaking project is a collaboration between Primo Entertainment, DC Set Group, and the Cosmosphere Space Education Center and Museum in Hutchinson, Kansas, the organization responsible for collecting, safeguarding, and managing all of these priceless and rare historical artifacts so they can be shared with all of humanity.

For more information on the Space Adventure exhibit, visit

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