A new project invites amateur astronomers and citizen scientists to help NASA track, and perhaps even discover, planets orbiting distant stars. In collaboration with the American Association of Variable Star Observers, a new project called Exoplanet Watch allows observers with a modest backyard telescope and camera to trace the tiny, faint shadows cast by exoplanets, as these planets cross the faces of their host stars.

Scientists have discovered more than 4,400 exoplanets—planets that orbit other stars—over the past quarter century. To confirm a planet’s existence, scientists typically want to observe such a transit more than once for an extended time period. Doing so can reveal properties of the planet—its diameter, for instance, or the length of its year (the time it takes to make one orbit around its star). It’s these repeated transits that Exoplanet Watch seeks to nail down firmly.

But predicting the next transit of any given planet can be a difficult proposition. The timing of transits is poorly known for many potentially interesting targets.

“If there’s a 15-minute under-estimate of when a transit will occur, that’s an extra 15 minutes I have to build into my observing scenario,” said Rob Zellem, an exoplanet astronomer at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the project lead for Exoplanet Watch.

Fifteen minutes doesn’t sound so bad—until you consider the outsized demand for observing time on instruments like the Hubble Space Telescope.

“Time on big telescopes, especially space telescopes, is very, very precious,” Zellem said. “If you’re observing a lot of planets, [15 minutes] could add up to a substantial amount of time. Any time wasted means less science will be done with that telescope.”


Enter the citizen scientists and the AAVSO.

Armed with a nothing more than a six-inch telescope and a digital camera attachment, you can join their ranks, hunting for planets and turning your own home into an observatory. The project will offer participants regular updates on stars for which more observations are needed, as well as likely transit times, which they can help refine. Participants will also receive user-friendly instructions on how to upload their data to its processing software. Data will be permanently archived at the AAVSO Exoplanet Database, and become available to researchers worldwide for further analysis.

“As the number of new, confirmed exoplanets grows, so has the need to refine their ephemerides. The AAVSO’s Exoplanet Database offers citizen scientists participating in NASA’s Exoplanet Watch program an established repository where their observations of mid-transit times can help reduce the uncertainty in the period of a large class of confirmed exoplanets” said Dennis Conti, the AAVSO Exoplanet Observing section leader.

“The AAVSO is committed to ensure that observers have the relevant knowledge, including training on exoplanet observing techniques, and receive mentoring and helpdesk support when needed” said Stella Kafka, the Executive Director and CEO of AAVSO.

These observations will save professional astronomers time and resources as they eventually turn their powerful instruments to those same planets for a closer look. Successful participants even will earn an author’s credit on a published scientific paper, and will be qualified for the AAVSO’s annual observer awards.

Headed by the Universe of Learning team under NASA’s Science Activation Program, the new program has a solid scientific purpose: to provide backup to professional exoplanet observing campaigns that use large telescopes on the ground and in space.

Searching for the shadows of exoplanets is known as the “transit” method: capturing the tiny dip in starlight as a planet passes in front of its star. Of the thousands of exoplanets confirmed in our galaxy so far, most have been found by watching for planetary “transits.”

“Once more, the AAVSO citizen scientist community is becoming an invaluable resource for professional astronomers worldwide” Kafka said. “We are looking forward to new discoveries, and hope to engage as many individuals as possible in this project.”

In fact, citizens can take part even without a telescope. Using data-processing software provided by the program, they can use a home computer to help analyze observations from others.


Looking for light curves

Exoplanet Watch developed a software called EXOTIC (for Exoplanet Transit Interpretation Code), that allows homegrown observers to input their data; EXOTIC then converts it into “light curves,” the bread and butter of exoplanet hunters.

As a planet begins to move across the face of a distant star, the corresponding light curve begins as a flat line. Then it takes a sharp dip as the planet moves toward the star’s center and blocks a tiny percentage of the star’s light.

As the planet moves past the star’s face, the line rises again to its formerly flat position; the resulting wavy line is the planet’s “light curve.”

If the star’s diameter is known, the depth of the dip reveals the diameter of the planet. The larger the planet, the more starlight it blocks. Wait for a second dip, as the planet comes back around, and you know the length of the planet’s year—one trip around the star.

An intern with the project, Aaron Tran, spent his summer working on the software that will process the data from amateur telescopes. A computer science major with an interest in astronomy, Tran says he was taken with one of the project’s main goals: to make exoplanet astronomy accessible to everyone.

“Observing exoplanets with telescopes you buy off [the internet], instead of using one on a mountaintop, was one of the biggest draws for me,” Tran said.

The Exoplanet Watch team is committed to making its science accessible to all, says Rachel Zimmerman-Brachman, a public engagement specialist at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory who is lending her expertise to the project.

“I’m raising awareness about the opportunity for people to participate in exoplanet studies as citizen scientists,” she said. That includes “making hands-on science—particularly exoplanet science—accessible to as many people as possible.”

Searching for planets with an ever-growing pool of budding astronomers, students, or anyone who might be curious: AAVSO invites you to join Exoplanet Watch and our exoplanet exploration program!


About AAVSO:

American Association of Variable Star Observers’ mission is to enable anyone, anywhere, to participate in scientific discovery through variable star astronomy. Its core activities include observation and analysis of variable stars; collecting and archiving observations for worldwide access; and forging strong collaborations between amateur and professional astronomers promoting scientific research, education and public outreach using variable star data. Learn more: https://www.aavso.org


NASA’s Universe of Learning

NASA’s Universe of Learning materials are based upon work supported by NASA under cooperative agreement award number NNX16AC65A to the Space Telescope Science Institute, working in partnership with Caltech/IPAC, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian, and Sonoma State University. The award is part of NASA’s Science Activation program, which strives to further enable NASA science experts and content into the learning environment more effectively and efficiently with learners of all ages. Learn more: https://www.universe-of-learning.org/


Contact : AAVSO
