VIENNA, 31 May (United Nations Information Service) — the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) and the Government of Japan announced their new cooperation on UNOOSA‘s  “Space Law for New Space Actors” project.

The project offers UN Member States, upon request, capacity building to draft national space legislation and/or national space policies in line with international space law, promoting the long-term sustainability of outer space activities. Furthermore, the project raises awareness of and adherence to the existing normative framework governing outer space activities. 

The Asia-Pacific region is a leading driver in global space activities: investments in the space sector are booming across the region, including from private sector actors. In this context, there is increasing interest from Asia-Pacific countries in international space law. A core part of the UN’s capacity building activities on space law, the Space Law for New Space Actors project helps countries conduct space activities responsibly and sustainably. The generous financial contribution from Japan will support the delivery of the project’s activities. 

Simonetta Di Pippo, Director of UNOOSA, said: “This project was launched just over two years ago as a multi-donor initiative and has already received over 25 requests for legal advisory services from emerging space faring nations. Over 70 Member States, including many from the Asia-Pacific region, are currently operating national space programmes, with many more considering space activities in the near future. There is, therefore, a pressing need to raise awareness of and adherence to the existing normative framework governing outer space activities. We are extremely grateful to the Government of Japan for their generous support and financial contribution to the project, that will allow us to strengthen and expand its delivery and impact.” 

Ambassador HIKIHARA Takeshi, Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations (Vienna), said: “Through this cooperation with UNOOSA, Japan will support new space actors in the Asia-Pacific region and will further contribute to ensuring stable, safe and sustainable space utilization in advancing the rule of law in outer space.”

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For more information, please contact:

Ottavia Pesce
United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA)
Telephone: (+43 699) 1459 8718
Email: pesce[at]