D-Orbit SPA., an Italian company operating in the orbital transportation sector, has been awarded the “HUB Research and Innovation” Call issued by Lombardia Region, as prime contractor of the “NOCTUA Landscape Monitoring. For everyone. From space” project. The €10 million project, nominated in the “Connectivity and Information” category, will develop a land monitoring service available to all citizens.


Fabrizio Sala, Vice-President of Lombardia Region, announced the 33 winners in a video message posted on Monday, October 7th (https://bit.ly/30N0L2U). The call, with a total budget of 114 million, will fund strategic industrial research and experimental development projects to enhance the competitive and attractive capacity of the territory.


D-Orbit will lead a consortium of six members that includes Beta 80 S.p.A. Software e Sistemi, Fondazione EUCENTRE, Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori, RadarSensing/MetaSensing, TRE Altamira s.r.l., with the advice of Fondazione Politecnico di Milano and the support of Lombardia Aerospace Cluster and Fondazione Cluster Tecnologie per le Smart Cities & Communities – Lombardia.


The project will develop an end-to-end service for territorial monitoring that will collect data from a specifically designed innovative satellite, analyze, reprocess, and distribute itto the whole community, from institutions to private citizens. It will enable the effective monitoring of infrastructures and natural resources enabling their appropriate maintenance and preservation, the prevention and timely intervention in the event of natural disasters, and the support of economic activities and collaboration between citizens and local communities.


“We are excited to be involved in a project that is so ambitious and consequential,” said Lorenzo Ferrario, D-Orbit CTO. “This is a great opportunity for us, our partners, and the Lombardia Region as a whole, to put in place key services that will monitor critical infrastructure such as bridges and highways from space in order to prevent failures. We will be using our very versatile ION platform to put the satellite payload exactly where it needs to be in orbit for maximum effectiveness.


The project will also provide a modular and exportable commercial framework to export skills and knowledge developed entirely in the Lombardia Region, contributing to the sustainable development and safety of other regions.


The projects will have a 30-month duration from the signature date.


For more info on the “HUB Research and Innovation” call https://bit.ly/30N0L2U