Recently, the Nusantara Satu communications satellite, built by SSL, a Maxar Technologies company, for Indonesian satellite operator PT Pasifik Satelit Nusantara (PSN), successfully launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida and deployed two additional small spacecraft on its journey to geosynchronous orbit. The two spacecraft, an experimental small spacecraft for the Air Force Research Laboratory and a privately funded lunar lander built for SpaceIL, were delivered into their desired orbits according to plan.

This innovative rideshare arrangement, which SSL organized together with rideshare provider Spaceflight, is a powerful example of commercial ingenuity enabling frequent and affordable access to space for a broad range of missions.

“The success of this mission offers a compelling demonstration of how the commercial space industry can be leveraged to unlock the promise of space for cost-capped missions that wouldn’t otherwise be feasible,” said Eric Stallmer, Commercial Spaceflight Federation (CSF) President. “Kudos to the SSL, PSN, Spaceflight, Air Force Research Laboratory and SpaceIL teams on their strong collaboration, which enabled this mission, and their commitment to accelerating the development and adoption of technologies for rapid, affordable access to space.”