“We are deeply saddened to hear the news of the passing of Paul Allen. 


“Mr. Allen exemplified the best of America’s entrepreneurial and democratic spirit. He was passionate about opening up the power of the personal computer, Internet  and space to everyday people for the betterment of humankind. Mr. Allen’s entrepreneurial spirit and the numerous technological breakthroughs he helped lead will benefit generations to come, and set an example for the next generation of pioneers that endeavor to better humanity.

“Mr. Allen exemplified a true pioneering spirit. He was passionate about pushing the innovation envelope and motivating achievements beyond what was initially envisioned for the betterment of humankind. Mr. Allen’s entrepreneurial spirit will live on as we continue to surpass space technology milestones in his memory.

“Our thoughts and prayers are with Mr. Allen’s family and friends and everyone who had the privilege to work with him and witness, first hand, his compassion and zest for life and his genuine commitment to improve the human condition for all humankind.”