(Washington, DC) – Today, President Trump announced that he is pulling the U.S. out of the Paris climate agreement.
Ranking Member Eddie Bernice Johnson’s (D-TX), response is below.
“When the U.S. signed onto the Paris climate agreement, I spoke of how I was proud that we were taking a leadership role in protecting our environment and preserving our planet for generations to come. Today, I am not proud. I am saddened and embarrassed that this country will not be working in coordination with the international community to address the threat of climate change. In a time when we are watching the Great Barrier Reef die, one of Antarctica’s ice sheets collapse into the sea, and experiencing more severe weather events, it is the height of shortsightedness to pull out of this agreement. The President is not only ceding leadership on addressing this threat, perhaps the most serious environmental challenge in human history, but his action today betrays a lack of faith in America’s ability to innovate our way out of this global challenge. Historians will not look kindly on today’s decision. The U.S. should be striving to leave the world a better place for future generations, not walking away from our responsibilities our citizens and our planet.”