Earlier today, President Trump’s FY18 budget blueprint was released.
Ranking Member Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) made the following statement.
“Based upon what we knew of the President’s plan to plus up defense spending at the expense of all of our non-defense discretionary spending and leaks in the press regarding slashing EPA and NOAA, I knew that this budget was going to be very bad for science, environmental protection, R&D, and clean energy. It is worse than I thought possible. The President cuts EPA by more than 30%; attacks climate change research across agencies; cuts clean energy programs at DOE, and totally eliminates ARPA-E; eliminates NASA’s education program…I could go on and on and on. This is a budget that takes America in the wrong direction. It disinvests in the R&D that we will need to keep our nation competitive. I believe that Members on both sides of the aisle and the American people are going to be dismayed by this President’s lack of interest in protecting our air and water, funding the innovation that drives our economy, and understanding the planet we live on.”