ROSES-16 Amendment 25 releases the new program element C.24 The Hot Operating Temperature Technology Program

The Hot Operating Temperature Technology (HOTTech) program supports the advanced development of technologies for the robotic exploration of high-temperature environments, such as the Venus surface, Mercury, or the deep atmosphere of Gas Giants. The goal of the program is to develop and mature technologies that will enable, significantly enhance, or reduce technical risk for in situ missions to high-temperature environments with temperatures approaching 500 degrees Celsius or higher. It is a priority for NASA to invest in technology developments that mitigate the risks of mission concepts proposed in response to upcoming Announcements of Opportunity (AO) and expand the range of science that might be achieved with future missions. Note that this HOTTech program element is not soliciting hardware for a flight opportunity.

HOTTech is limited to high temperature electrical and electronic systems that could be needed for potentially extended in situ missions to such environments. NASA seeks to maximize the benefits of its technology investments and consequently technologies that offer terrestrial benefits, in addition to meeting needs of planetary science. While specific technology readiness levels are not prescribed for the HOTTech program, proposers are reminded that the goal of the program is to mature technologies so they can be proposed as part of a selectable mission concept or technology demonstration to a flight AO with reduced risk. It is the responsibility of the proposer to describe how their proposed technology development effort addresses the goals of enabling or enhancing future mission capability or reducing risk and how the technology will be matured for a flight opportunity as part of an integrated system. Efforts that focus on advancing the technology readiness level (TRL) of a system composed of multiple existing technologies at various TRLs are allowed under this opportunity.

Notices of Intent are requested by September 28, 2016, and the due date for proposals is November 23, 2016.

On or about August 23, 2016, this Amendment to the NASA Research Announcement “Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2016” (NNH16ZDA001N) will be posted on the NASA research opportunity homepage at and will appear on the RSS feed at:

Questions concerning this program element may be directed to Adriana Ocampo at and Quang-Viet Nguyen at