Women in Aerospace (WIA), a leading professional organization that is dedicated to expanding women’s opportunities for leadership and increasing their visibility in the aerospace community, will host a two-part Aerospace conference series. The first session, 3rd Offset Strategy- The Role of Commercial Practices and Technology in the Government Sectors to Drive Next Generation Capability, will take place on June 8, 2016 at the Marriott Mayflower in Washington, DC. The second session, Commercialization of Space, will take place on September 16, 2016 at the Marriott Metro Center also in Washington, DC.

This year’s theme is “Innovation in Aerospace” and will feature a myriad of keynote speakers in the Aerospace industry. The first conference will take a hard look at the concept of a “Third Offset” strategy and answer such question as: How will the U.S. and its allies leapfrog their military and technological advantages in an era of increasingly tight budgets? Which business models and technology areas are the most promising? What commercial and additional federal agency practices and technologies can be leveraged in government sectors to drive next generation capability and competitive advantage? What do we need to stop doing as part of the acquisition reform?

Event registration begins at 2:00 PM with a full event roster that lasts until 6:30 PM. The conference agenda is designed to discuss areas of importance in the aerospace industry and build business relationships between individuals, companies, and members of the public sector. Speakers at the event include leading industry professionals such as Ms. Michele Flournoy, CEO, Center for a New American Security; Ms. Pamela Melroy, Deputy Director of the Tactical Technology Office, DARPA; Dr. Jamie Morin, Director of Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation, U.S. Department of Defense; and Mr. Tom Stroup, President, Satellite Industry Association.

The second conference looks at the Commercialization of Space. We’re in the midst of a shift to a commercial space economy where the race for space is stronger than ever. Private companies are investing in space and disrupter technologies at a rapid pace. Join us for a thought provoking discussion as we hear from experts in the industry discuss the innovations currently taking place as it relates to the commercialization of space and plans for the future. This session will be an eye opening look at ways our member firms will need to continue to evolve to stay relevant, find new partners, and begin to look at opportunities for the future with a new light. Registration for the September 16th event begins at 8:30 AM, followed by a breakfast networking reception and a full event program that lasts until 12:30 PM.

WIA is dedicated to expanding women’s opportunities for leadership and increasing their visibility in the aerospace community. Our membership – women and men – shares an interest on a broad spectrum of aerospace issues, including human space flight, aviation, remote sensing, satellite communications, robotic space exploration, and the policy issues surrounding these fields.


For more information, visit the WIA website at womeninaerospace.org
or call our Headquarters at (202) 547-0229.