The Federally Employed Women (FEW) Space Coast Chapter at NASA’s
Kennedy Space Center recently voted to contribute $6,000 in
educational scholarship funds for 2006 to the Brevard Community
College WENDI program, which helps people prepare to reenter the work
field after a significant change in their lives.

FEW organizes and sponsors conferences and seminars on issues
pertinent to women that have benefited not only their members and
women at KSC, but throughout Brevard.

The scholarship program was inaugurated in 1976 in cooperation with
Brevard Community College. In 1989, the chapter extended the program
to include the University of Central Florida, and in recent years has
opened the scholarships to graduating high school seniors and
students in college. Since 1995, the FEW Space Coast Chapter has
awarded more than $63,000 in educational scholarships to local

Photos of the event are available at: