You can help expand women’s opportunities for leadership in the aerospace industry by serving as a member of the WIA Board of Directors.

For 30 years, WIA has been dedicated to raising the visibility and promoting the advancement of women in our dynamic industry through networking events, mentoring programs, professional development opportunities, and substantive discussions featuring aerospace “thought leaders” from industry, government and academia.

WIA is now accepting nominations for Board Members. Please review the nomination requirements below. If you have any questions, please contact us by phone at 202-547-0229 or by email at

WIA Board of Directors Open Positions

The WIA Board of Directors invites nominations for individuals interested in serving on the WIA Board of Directors for the 2016-2018 term. Board membership is open to all individuals who have demonstrated commitment, active service and leadership in the aerospace industry, and who are dedicated to advancing the WIA mission.

Each Director is elected for a term of three years and is expected to participate in quarterly board meetings, on board committees and task forces, and in periodic WIA events. Service can be in the Director’s specific area(s) of interest, including educational outreach and scholarships, membership, governance, or programming. Interested candidates should:

Be willing and able to actively serve the Board and WIA for the full three-year term
Hold senior/executive level leadership positions in his/her organization
Have demonstrated an interest in the advancement of women in our industry
Have a connection to some part of the aerospace community, including, but not limited to, government, private industry, academia, or other non-profit sectors. Experience and interest may cover one or several of the following areas: civil, commercial or military space; commercial or military aviation; aerospace science and engineering; and other related business, policy, scientific, research or operational fields.


Both men and women are eligible for WIA Board and Officer positions and all qualified candidates are encouraged to apply. WIA members may recommend themselves or nominate other qualified, dynamic leaders.

Nomination packages must include a brief biographical summary and letter of interest. Please be sure to highlight any past WIA-related responsibility or involvement, including volunteer service on a committee, as a mentor, or at an event.

Deadline: September 15, 2015