The Innovative Technology Partnerships Office at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland will host a Flight Mechanics and Propulsion, Guidance, Navigation & Control Technology and Capabilities Showcase on October 8, 2015. The event is open to industry only. There is no cost for attending this showcase, but registration is required.

It will be held in the Noel Hinners Auditorium in Building 8 in the Goddard Campus. The event is open to U.S. Citizens and participants should bring identification for badging.

NASA Goddard hopes the event will spur partnerships in spacecraft navigation and orbit determination, autonomous systems for navigation (flight and ground systems), low thrust trajectory optimization techniques, advanced modeling of orbit errors, as well as identify opportunities for collaborations in using NASA analysis tools for mission design, orbit analysis, and navigation analysis.

Staff from Goddard’s Mission Engineering and Systems Analysis Division (MESA) will give insights into Goddard’s role in revolutionizing future exploration, Earth and space science missions through mission design, navigation, propulsion and attitude control technologies such as Spacecraft Formation Flying, Spaceborne GPS, autonomous rendezvous & docking, responsive space systems, and nano-satellite propulsion systems, sensors and actuators.

Specifically highlighted technology patents and patent applications will be presented for technology transfer opportunities

Registration is open until September 4 and should be done on-line. For registration and more information, please go to: If you would like to participate in this event and need reasonable accommodation, please contact GSFC’s Equal Opportunity Programs Office at 301-286-7348 or via email at

For more information on NASA Goddard’s Innovative Technology Partnerships Office, visit:

For more information on NASA Goddard Space Flight Center visit: