September 17, 2014 – Reston, Va. – American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Executive Director Sandra H. Magnus issued the following statement on NASA’s decision to award contracts for commercial crew transportation development:

“AIAA applauds NASA’s progress toward establishing stable commercial crew transportation. I am sure that the selection process was particularly difficult, given the three proposals put forward by SpaceX, The Boeing Company, and Sierra Nevada. This important step means that our nation will once again have the capability to put astronauts in orbit. The decision also ensures that our human space flight program will remain a strong bulwark of economic prosperity and scientific advancement. Further, it enhances NASA’s position as a vital, capable international partner to all spacefaring nations. We are excited that this program will drive the creation of high quality aerospace jobs. This renewal of our industrial base, along with NASA’s continuing activities in exploration, indicates just how bright the future of the aerospace community is.” 

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