NASA Deputy Administrator Lori Garver has graciously accepted an invitation to give a keynote address at the NewSpace 2012 Conference. Her speech at NewSpace 2011 was a conference highlight and all involved are excited to hear what Deputy Administrator Garver and many others have to share this year. NewSpace 2012 will be held on July 26-28 at the NASA Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley. Conference details registration are now available at

Deputy Administrator Garver has long been a supporter of partnership between the governmental and commercial space sectors. Her speech at NewSpace 2012 will surely bring to light new aspects of partnering with NASA and the future of the space industry.

“I think you know that the whole basis and underpinning for what we are trying to do in this administration is to return NASA to that more traditional role of our 1950 Space Act of investing in technologies that will then help create the new markets so that the private sector can come in, benefit from this technology investment, scientific understandings, and then we move on to do the next hard thing,” said Garver at NewSpace 2011. “It is what we should be doing in the government, to open new markets, and this is a role we take very seriously.”

Don’t miss hearing what Deputy Administrator Garver has to share by registering now at discount prices. Further conference information is available at RSVP on Facebook or follow the NewSpace Conference on Twitter
for updates.