HOUSTON – During this historic time of change within the space industry, the Coalition for Space Exploration (Coalition) wants to hear from the American public about what they envision for the future of space exploration. The Coalition is launching a contest based on a simple question, “What’s Next?” Participants are encouraged to share their ideas for the future direction of America’s space program in a video. The creator of the winning video entry wins an iPad2.

Entries must be submitted by Oct. 17. From there, the public will vote on the best videos. The top five videos will become semi-finalists and a panel of judges from the Coalition will crown the winner. Entries will be housed on the Coalition website, with the winner’s entry moving on to Washington, DC to be shared with national leaders.

Entrants are encouraged to share their vision for the future of space exploration, keeping in mind a few key facts:

– We are poised to utilize our tremendous experience and expertise gained from a successful Space Shuttle program.

– The International Space Station is breaking through technological and research barriers, making extraordinary science available to the general public.

– The space industry is burgeoning with forward-thinking entrepreneurs who are about to change the way we access and travel to space.

As the space industry evolves, clear, exciting goals and challenging timelines are needed to foster the exploration and development of space. The Coalition wants citizens to speak out about what they feel should be next for space exploration with a 1-2 minute video entry. Written ideas are also welcome as posts on the “What’s Next?” blog.

To read the competition rules and submit a video, visit: http://spacecoalition.com/benefits-of-space/whats-next.

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About the Coalition for Space Exploration:

The Coalition for Space Exploration is a group of space industry businesses and advocacy groups that collaborates to ensure that the United States remains the leader in space, science and technology by reinforcing the value and benefits of space exploration with the public and our nation’s leaders, and building lasting support for a long-term, sustainable strategic direction for space exploration.

Deanna Wilke
Griffin Communications Group
(832) 864-7227
(281) 881-2981 – mobile