Workers to Highlight Industry Around the Country Sept. 11-17

Arlington, Va. – Ongoing and emerging security threats, aging civil and space infrastructure, fiscal challenges and keeping and creating jobs all present our nation with enormous challenges. This year’s National Aerospace Week, an event established by Congress, will focus on informing the debate over choices our government will make in the coming months.

The aerospace and defense industry is the lifeblood of America’s industrial base, employing approximately 800,000 workers directly, and supporting more than 2 million middle-class jobs in related fields. More than 30,000 suppliers in the industry provide high-skill, high-paying jobs in all 50 states.

For nearly a century, the aerospace and defense industry has produced the kind of cutting edge technologies and quality jobs that have driven American innovation and economic prosperity. The tagline for this year’s celebration is Second to None, which captures the unquestioned leadership of the industry and the people who work in it.

“Since the Wright Brothers and the dawn of flight, the contribution aerospace has made to America has been a true national treasure,” said AIA President and CEO Marion C. Blakey. “We are the world’s leader in aerospace and the men and women who provide the backbone of our economy and national security are truly Second to None.”

A series of activities in Washington, D.C. and across the country are being planned. Events hosted by businesses and communities for both youth and adults will showcase the industry’s role in the future high-tech workforce of America and in creating and sustaining high-paying jobs across the country.

For more information on National Aerospace Week and the benefits the industry brings to the nation and economy, visit and